Thursday 13 November 2014

Make yourself the Eros in the centre, helping everyone to go where they want to go, with arrows of love for each towards a slightly better life. The better you serve, the greater the flow.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Invest In Yourself

Discover your true needs. No two people have the exact same needs. Establish what's most important for you to gain, have, and keep in your life, e.g., what you truly need as opposed to what you simply want.
Raise your self-worth. Even if you think you already possess a healthy dose of self-esteem, work to improve your opinion of yourself. This calls for a remorseless disposal of fears and perceived insecurities as well as the healing of old wounds once and for all.
Never apologize for who you are. Be an unapologetic bearer of your best and worst traits, the totality of your being. What may seem like a personal defect to you may be an endearing trait to someone else. You are perfect and flawed in a unique combination that can never be replicated, and this fact should be embraced.
Never go against your intuition. Your intuition knows more than you think. Learn to trust your inner voice without hesitation; reason may tell you one thing, but your instinct tells you the right thing, always.
Create a bigger version of yourself. Don't settle on a self-imposed plateau; always aim a bit higher than before. Visualize your ideal life -- regardless of how unattainable it may seem now -- and act to manifest it one element at a time.
Take impeccable care of yourself. If you don't practice the art of self-care, who will do it for you? Adopt healthy habits and grow stronger each day in mental, emotional, and physical ways. Ensure that the situations in which you choose to become involved are helpful and not harmful.
Set an example. Setting an example for others means that you act with integrity under all circumstances, which is a sign of careful attention to your being. When you set an example, you show those around you that you've invested in yourself time and time again to reach a level of excellence.
Multiply your riches. There exists greater richness in knowledge, wisdom, compassion, and tenacity than in all the money in the world. These are realizations unmatched by any amount of wealth which allow you to navigate through inevitable challenges with ease. Those who know, grow.
Do what you love. Oftentimes it is the simplest things that deliver the most profound joy, yet we barely find time for these precious activities. Don't postpone your simple pleasures, whether you like to read or sing or hike. Perform actions grounded in a deep seat of love every day.
Weigh your options. Beware of making the same mistakes due to habit or influence. Don't be afraid to go within and weigh your options before making decisions. Remember that you have the right to pick the people and things you want in your life -- they should not pick you.
The beauty of sacrifice is that you will not always be able to put yourself first. But by raising your awareness of what you deserve, you can foster a healthy balance between how much you do for others and how much you do for yourself. You are your single greatest investment, and to put energy into your well-being is to ensure the equal well-being of those who depend on you.
To investing wisely,

Monday 7 July 2014

GNLD Science

World Firsts…
GNLD has been at the forefront of nutritional supplementation and product development since 1958. The company has innovated over 30 World Firsts, and holds numerous world patents.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Licence…
In addition, even though it is not (yet) required by law for manufacturers of health supplements, GNLD has voluntarily subjected itself to the scrutiny of the FDA, and maintains a pharmaceutical manufacturing licence.
The stringent requirements of keeping the licence are the same exacting standards that makers of medicines have to undergo, so you can be sure every product from GNLD is made to the very highest quality.
Scientific Advisory Board…
The development of every GNLD product is guided by a unique group of dedicated nutritionists, biochemists, and food scientists, who form the GNLD Scientific Advisory Board (SAB for short).
The SAB has developed over the last 52 years into a worldwide network of leading scientists and research facilities, all dedicated to delivering the finest, safest, most effective products.
Every GNLD product is only released to the market after full approval of the SAB, and each product carries the SAB Seal.
Seal of GNLD's Scientific Advisory Board
The Seal is not an adornment; it’s a multi-faceted guarantee that…
  • only the finest, carefully-screened ingredients have been used to make the product
  • the product is contaminant-free, and pure
  • the contents written on the label are actually in the product, and in the stated quantities
  • there’s nothing in the product that’s not on the label
  • the product maintains its potency for the whole of the shelf life printed on the container
  • 100% money-back quality guarantee
You can trust GNLD.
Global Science Network…
GNLD’s scientific professionals collaborate with scientific colleagues in various universities around the world, forming the Global Science Network (GSN).
The collaboration of specialist minds ensures GNLD is always at the forefront of the latest thoughts, developments, and areas of research in human biochemistry, nutrition, and related health fields.
Health Professionals Council…
Logo of GNLD's worldwide Health Professionals Council
Members of GNLD’s worldwide Health Professionals Council are enlightened, forward-thinking medical doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, and natural health practitioners, who see the need for nutritional supplementation for health protection and disease prevention.
Their combined knowledge and skills contribute to GNLD’s commitment to lead from the front.
Want to know more?…